© 2012-Present Original John G. Jones General Grand Masonic Congress  I   Mail   I   Members

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I am Sister Charlotte Pitman, the Supreme Grand Matron of the Supreme Grand Chapter working under the jurisdiction of the Original John G. Jones General Grand Masonic Congress of Grand Masters A.F. & A.M. in the United States of America and Canada, Inc. It is with extreme pleasure that I welcome you to our site; hopefully it will provide you with the insight that you are seeking. Over the years we have met many milestones and have accomplished multiple tasks, however, there is much work still to be done. We anticipate and expect great things to come. As Eastern Stars we strive to dedicate ourselves to extend Charity, truth and Loving Kindness to all. As we allow God to work within us, we lift our voices in thanksgiving to him. Thank you for visiting our site. 


Our Philosophy

We resolved to trust in the faith and love that we have in God. To give and respect to our fellowman; being ever conscious of our charitable responsibilities in the readiness to assist those in need. Sharing love and thoughtfulness for the "Glory of God"


Original Supreme Grand Chapter is affiliated with the Original John G. Jones General Grand Masonic Congress of Grand Masters A.F. & A.M.


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